15th September 2023 Breaking Point It's been like this for years now. Him getting mad from lord-knows-what to me taking the punches from his anger. This time was no different. He'd came home late as if he didn't give a fuck that I was at home waiting for him. I was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in my hand looking at a blank screen when he entered.
Travels With Z • 14th September 2023 Traveling To Thailand — Travels With Z So, I went to Thailand back in April of this year and it was one of the best places I’ve ever been. To start off, I took a Southwest flight from Atlanta, Georgia to LAX to catch my plane. The flight was easy but when I arrived, I thought I would be able to relax at the gate. Well, I was wrong. I arrive in LAX at 9 AM after changing my Southwest flight from an afternoon flight to an early morning flight.